Foreign Workers

The Solution to your Atlantic Canada Manpower Shortages Starts Here

We have been delivering labour solutions to Western Canadian Employers since 1997.

Employers have been very receptive to our full complement of services which include Foreign Worker Recruitment, Labour Market Opinions, Work Visa Applications, Permanent Residence Visa Applications and Employee Settlement.

For the past 15 years we have been travelling to attend Canadian Job Fairs in countries such as England, Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Ukraine, India, and Mexico. We are experienced in assessing the competency levels of foreign workers relative to Canadian credentials. In addition, we understand the visa requirements to get foreign workers on the job in Canada.

If the occupational group you are seeking to hire is not listed below – please contact Warren to discuss your individual needs. You can reach Warren by email at or by phone at 1-866-952-9604.

Here are some of the occupations of clients we have helped bring to Canada already:

Start Planning Your Move to Atlantic Canada Today Contact Us College of Immigration & Citizenship Consultants